You Are Not Alone: Methodist Has Emotional Support Resources for Employees

Published: Nov. 4, 2020

We know these are extraordinary times with the challenges of life seemingly being compounded by the stress COVID-19 has brought. Words hardly convey how grateful we are to every Methodist employee, from the staff on the front lines to those behind the scenes. Together, we are making a difference in our community when it needs us most.

The Best Care Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and the Methodist Hospital Community Counseling Program (CCP) are joining forces to support Methodist employees and dependent family members during this stressful time. It’s normal to be experiencing feelings of fear, depression, anxiety and grief. But you are not alone. EAP and CCP professional counselors are one phone call away to provide the support you are looking for. This support is confidential and available immediately or by appointment. To access a professional counselor for a confidential session or consultation, contact:

Best Care EAP

Call (402) 354-8000 or (800) 801-4182, send an email to @email, or send a message here.

Counselors are available 24 hours a day, every day of the year.

Best Care EAP services are funded by Methodist Health System, and all Methodist employees and dependent family members are eligible to take advantage of up to five confidential counseling sessions per problem situation. 

Methodist Emotional Support Line

Call (402) 815-8255 (TALK). 

CCP counselors are available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The Methodist Hospital Community Counseling Program is made possible thanks to generous donors who support Methodist Hospital Foundation

On-site support

Professional counselors are also available to provide on-site group and/or individual support for impacted employees. Based upon consultation with the group’s leadership, a customized response will be facilitated by the counselor to help group members understand and process physical and emotional responses, as well as discuss ways to cope in a manner that enhances resiliency and well-being. For more information or to discuss options, please contact Best Care EAP at (402) 354-8000.

Again, thank you for all you have done during this challenging time. As you continue your work to care for others, don't forget to take time to care for yourself.