News and Events

Every Employee Fits Into Methodist’s Culture of Compliance. Here’s How

Published: Nov. 2, 2023
Compliance and Ethics Week

Corporate Compliance and Ethics Week is Nov. 5-11. At Methodist, it’s a time to celebrate our culture of compliance.

Last year we focused on five key elements of our corporate culture: respect, engagement, reporting, security and diversity. This year we’re focusing on all of you and how you fit into our culture of compliance.


Everyone Has a Role

Our culture of compliance is rooted in our Code of Conduct and the Corporate Compliance Plan. These documents are the pillars of the corporate compliance program, and they integrate the ideals and values that underpin our commitment to The Meaning of Care. Everyone at Methodist has a role to play in the compliance program because everyone is responsible for their own actions as an employee or contractor of Methodist.

The Compliance Department, in turn, is responsible for facilitating your successful participation in the compliance program. We do this by providing knowledge and resources related to issues of compliance and ethics.

These resources come in many forms. For example, we regularly:

  • Provide training on a hot-button issue or guidance on updating a critical policy 
  • Weigh in on a corrective action plan to ensure that fair and consistent action is taken
  • Investigate issues of noncompliance to determine what happened and why 

And we do all of these things alongside our operational partners – you.

It’s through this give-and-take with the Compliance Department that you can actively engage with the compliance program. But even if you never speak with the fine folks in the Compliance Department, you contribute to the program. 

When you follow a policy, you’re contributing. When you report suspected noncompliance, you’re contributing. And when you live up to the ethical and legal goals of the Code of Conduct, you’re contributing.

That’s what we mean when we talk about the culture of compliance. It’s all the little, often unnoticed things that can easily be taken for granted. It’s doing the right thing simply because it is right.


See Something? Speak Up

The Compliance Department oversees the compliance program, but we can’t see everything. Speak up when something is wrong, and we’ll help to make it right. You can report issues in person, on the phone, by email or anonymously through our reporting hotline – (877) 640-0005 for English and (800) 216-1288 for Spanish. We value your confidentiality, and we enforce Methodist’s strict policy against retaliation.

If you have questions, please contact compliance specialist Joe Tweedt. Contact information for the entire Compliance Department and links for reporting issues can be found on the Compliance resource page on the intranet.