Showing 811-820 results of 2208

Safety First: Cyber Safety

Do you know how to protect yourself from malicious email? Check out these cyber safety tips and resources. See the Safety Poster of the Month: Cyber Safety. Remember: Safety is EVERYONE'S responsibility!…

Safety First: Fire Safety

Do you know what to do in the event of a fire in your department? Be ready to respond in a fire emergency. See the Safety Poster of the Month: Fire Safety. Remember: Safety is EVERYONE'S responsibility!…

Safety First: Protect Your Eyes When Viewing the Solar Eclipse

On August 21, 2017, the path of a total solar eclipse with cross diagonally over the entire length of the state of Nebraska. The entire state will experience at least a 90% solar eclipse, meaning that 90% of the sun will be hidden from view, casting a large shadow over the state. The last time…

HIPAA Alert: Think Before Forwarding Emails

REMINDER: Before forwarding an email chain — especially when emailing to outside parties — remember to follow HIPAA privacy rules and to maintain confidentiality of proprietary information.  All Methodist Health System employees are expected to maintain a level of confidentiali…

HIPAA Alert: Employee Mistake Costs a Hospital $750,000

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office for Civil Rights (OCR) recently announced a settlement with the University of Washington Medicine (UWM) following a HIPAA breach. This is the first settlement involving a breach resulting from a scam email or phishing attack.  One o…

Sandy Powers Is Methodist Hospital's Employee of the Month

Sandra Powers is a chaplain in the Spiritual Care Services department. She embodies our core values of integrity, excellence, learning, compassion, teamwork and respect in everything she does. Sandra has been a Methodist employee for over three years.   “Sandra goes above and beyond. She serve…

Safety First: Do You Buckle Up?

Did you now that in Nebraska, an automobile collision occurs every 15 minutes? Learn why it is so important to BUCKLE UP. Safety Poster of the Month: "Do You Buckle Up?" Remember: Safety is EVERYONE'S responsibility!…

Compliance Reporting & Our Code of Conduct

Do you know the many ways you can report a compliance concern or incident related to our Code of Conduct? Methodist Health System is committed to always doing the right thing. That is why we have a compliance program and why we have adopted a Code of Conduct as part of an effective program to preve…