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American Heart Month: Wear red and send us your photos on Fridays in February

Published: Jan. 23, 2024
American Heart Month: Wear red and send us your photos on Fridays in February

Did you know that cardiovascular disease (CVD) claims more lives each year in the United States than all forms of cancer and chronic lower respiratory disease (CLRD) combined? And on average, someone dies of CVD every 33 seconds in the U.S.

Specifically, heart disease claims the lives of one in three women. This means our mothers, sisters and friends are dying because they don't know what you know: Heart disease kills.

February is American Heart Month, and Methodist Health System employees are invited to wear red every Friday this month to show their support and raise awareness about cardiovascular disease. Wear a red shirt, red shoes, red scrubs — anything red will do, subject to your department’s dress code. 

Send photos of your team sporting its best red to @email, and you may just see yourself on social media! 


Heart Disease Facts

For information about Methodist cardiology services, click here.

Go Red for Women

Go Red for Women

The American Heart Association’s Go Red for Women movement was launched in 2004 with the goal of raising awareness and fighting a woman’s greatest heath threat – cardiovascular disease. Today, Go Red for Women not only advocates for the health of all women, funds lifesaving research and educates women across the United States and around the world, but it's also committed to removing the unique barriers women face to experiencing better health and well-being.